
Friday, July 20, 2012

Colorado Batman Movie Massacre 2012

Colorado Batman Movie Massacre 2012
As I’m sure you know by now, there was a tragic shooting in an Aurora, CO movie theater last night at the premier of the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises" that left a dozen people dead and about 59 others (including children) wounded.

We’ve been talking this week about being prepared for social collapse and flash mob violence, but this is another painful example of why we ALL need to be prepared to defend ourselves in any and all situations.

James Holmes, the suspected gunman in the theater shooting, reportedly hurled a gas canister into the auditorium as he entered, disorienting moviegoers before he opened fire. Some of the victims were later treated for the effects of tear gas.

No one expected this. Many were caught unprepared. It’s frustrating and saddening at the same time for me, because I try to help people become more prepared ALL THE TIME!

When tragedies like this happen and I see the victims (and their families) suffering, I feel even more strongly about helping you to be prepared for any violent event that can engulf you and your family in a instant.

These life changing events often force you to make split second decisions that might mean the difference between life and death.

This week I’ve been talking about the “Survive The Collapse” that includes 250 survival secrets that you can easily learn and implement in any fast moving situation. I’ve even shared a few on these tips with you, like the “How to Make a Gas Mask” post.

This single tip alone may have helped to save a life or prevented injuries from this psychopathic piece of sh*t.

This isn’t about making a buck with me. Family means everything to me, and guys like this just piss me off. But, I refuse to walk around like there is nothing I can do to defend myself.

I’m not willing to lose my life or someone in my family just because I thought it wouldn’t happen in my neighborhood…at my kid’s school…at my local movie theater.

These nut jobs are on nearly every street in America. Small towns aren’t even immune. This is about getting people to open their eyes and see that you can do something to prepare for hellish situations like this, BEFORE they happen.

YOU CAN prepare to defend yourself and your family.

YOU CAN do SOMETHING to lower your chances of becoming a VICTIM!

The 250 Collapse Survival Secrets are some of the best tips and tactics from over 5000 protection minded people.

When it comes to flash mob riots, violent thugs, looters, and active shooters – you need the best information you can get.

And they are giving away the “How To Survive A Flash Mob Riot” for free…so you get both for less than a fast food burger meal deal. For crying out loud, it’s only 7 bucks!

Are you really gonna tell me that you can justify spending $20 or more going to the movies, but you can’t justify spending $7 to learn 250 survival techniques that could save someone’s life???

Look, do what you like, but I’m just getting sick and tired of good people and innocent children getting killed because some dirtbag punk goes psycho and no one has a plan to save themselves or their kids.

Me and mine send our prayers to the victims and families of those whose lives were shattered in Aurora.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Keep This Weird Survival “Weapon" In Your Bug Out Bag

I know what you’re thinking…

If you were caught up in a “collapse” survival scenario, you’d want to be armed with some serious weaponry, right?

  • Pistol
  • Assault rifle
  • Combat survival knife
  • Machete

All of these will come in handy whether you need to go hunting for food, or defend you and your loved ones from violent hordes of desperate, hungry looters.

But let me share a different kind of “weapon” that’s one of the 250 tactics from the “Survive The Collapse” program I’ve been telling you about…

(Reminder: The program is only $7 and this week only, it comes with a free copy of “How To Survive A Flash Mob Riot”. Get more info: Collapse Survival)

You see, the best items to have on hand – especially if you’re forced to bug out and carry your gear – are ones that have multiple purposes.

Weird Survival Weapon For Your BOB

That’s why you should add a FLARE GUN to your survival inventory/arsenal.

A flare gun is a single-shot pistol that fires an extremely hot 12 gauge sized projectile that can travel horizontally to a max of about 150 ft and burn for about 5-7 seconds.

I recommend the Orion brand flare gun and you can pick one up online or at the boating section of a sports store in most states.

Orion 12 Guage Flare Gun
Of course its first use is for signaling when you may need to get the attention of rescue personnel if you’re stranded or trapped.

As A Backup Weapon

But a flare gun can also double as a backup weapon (as weird as that may sound).

Now first thing you should know is that a flare gun is NOT a weapon of mass destruction and NOT a primary defense firearm.

It’s not typically lethal on impact and it doesn’t explode, but…

…it’s hot enough to catch clothes, debris, or fuel on fire (think distraction or destruction)

…waved at a crowd, it can buy you some “back off” time to get to safety

…and if shot, will scare the ever-livin-crap out of everyone who wasn’t expecting to see a burning, hissing, “mini-meteor” coming at them.

If you’re lucky, it will catch something (or someone!) on fire and you can run like hell while a crowd is reeling from the shock (or trying to extinguish the unfortunate soul who didn’t heed your warning).
One more thing…

Flare guns usually come orange in color so that you can easily find it in a boating accident.

If you point a giant orange gun at a person to warn them off, they may think it’s a squirt gun and laugh at you. Or worse yet, not heed your  warning to 'back-off'. That’s NOT the desired effect, right?

**I recommend spray painting the gun with flat black spray paint to give it more of a “gun” appearance and avoid the laughter. It will also help avoid getting noticed until you are ready to use it.


P.S. – You can read more about improvised survival weapons and other tactics for dealing with a “collapse” scenario in the new book, “Survive The Collapse” on sale for just $7 at this special website: 250 Collapse SurvivalSecrets

Armed with these 250 tips you will definitely be more prepared to deal with any kind of disaster and the threats you will face during a time of civil disorder or societal breakdown.

Plus, don’t forget that if you pick up a copy (this week only!), you’ll also get the “How To Survive A Flash Mob Riot” program as well (an extra $27 value – free)

You’re going to love the great survival tips you’ll find there!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How to Make a “Gas Mask”. . .

How to make a gas mask
In a collapse of civil order, a riot can break out in any number of scenarios…

* A natural disaster that causes food shortages

* Political unrest that triggers protests

* Desperate revolt at food/water distribution points

* Looting during a civil breakdown

* You name it... when people panic, things go bad FAST!

Of course you can try to avoid these types of scenarios, but the reality is, you may find yourself thrust into any one of them in the strange, uncertain times we’re currently facing.

If you’re honest with yourself, then you've been thinking the same thing, right?

That’s why nearly 5,000 other concerned citizens shared their best little knowncollapse survival tips” in the program I told you about yesterday at this website:

250 Collapse Survival Secrets <== Only $7 this week!

When a riot breaks out, one of the most common crowd dispersion tools used by police or military is going to be tear gas.

You’ve probably seen this dozens of times in televised mob scenes in Greece, Palestine, Syria and other areas of the world where collapse is already taking place. Heck, even here in the US...OWS (and any bystanders) are getting hit with tear gas.


Effects of Tear Gas

Reduce the Effects of Tear Gas
And if you’ve ever been exposed to tear gas, you quickly realize why it’s so effective:

You can’t see a thing due to uncontrollable stinging in your eyes and massive tearing…

…breathing becomes complete agony and you’ll feel like you’re suffocating

…and you’ll run wildly in terror to get to breathable air as fast as possible.

It’s even worse if you’re protecting a spouse and children.

They can quickly panic and run blindly away in agony, separating them from you and putting them at the mercy of adrenaline-fueled military or police and rampaging crowds.

And make no mistake…

A stampeding mob running away from tear gas ISN’T going to politely step around you and your loved ones.

They will trample ANYTHING in the way of their desperate scramble for oxygen and they’re just as deadly as a sniper’s bullet if you fall down.

How to Defeat Tear Gas In a Riot. . . Make Your Own Gas Mask

That’s why the first thing you need to do in a riot scenario is prepare yourself and those you love against tear gas so you can stay calm and escape to safety fast.

Now, the best defense against tear gas is a gas mask… but most people don’t have one on them (especially for each member of the family).

So to protect yourself and those with you, here are 3 quick tips on how to make a "gas mask"…

1. Have a pair of tight-fitting swim goggles with you - they’re fast and easy to put on and will protect your eyes from the gas.

2. Always keep a plastic zip-lock bag with a bandana for each person and a small plastic bottle of cider vinegar handy.

The vinegar can help neutralize the gas, so quickly empty the bottle in the bag and soak the bandanas in the vinegar before putting them over your nose and mouth to breathe easier.

3. Get upwind or escape to high ground (like a hill or building roof top) – The gas stays low to the ground and high ground is more defensible if you have to fight back when things get even uglier and looting breaks out.

Now, knowing how to defend against tear gas is just one of the strategies you need to master to prepare for a complete breakdown when the SHTF.

That’s why I recommend picking up your copy of “Survive The Collapse” during this week’s special offer at Collapse Survival Secrets.

It’s loaded with 250 unique, no-nonsense survival tips on a range of topics from



defending your home…

escape & evasion…

and what and how to stockpile supplies now for a crisis.

Plus, (this week only), the website is giving away a free program called “How To Survive A Flash Mob Riot” that’s loaded with some really powerful techniques for escaping instantaneous violence in a breakdown.

Trust me… the time to prepare for civil breakdown is NOT when the sirens are going off and the crowds are forming in your town.

NOW” is when you need to be mastering the simple strategies these 5,000 like-minded citizens put together as a virtual “collapse survival guide” for you!


One more thing... If you think mobs and tear gas aren’t something you’ll encounter, think again.

All you have to do is watch the news to see that things are heating up and that even in small towns, violence can erupt - especially during a natural disaster when people get hungry and desperate.

Neighbors can quickly become an angry mob and there are things you should be doing NOW just in case.

Take advantage of this week’s special pricing for the “Survive The Collapse” program (plus the free bonus guide, “How To Survive A Flash Mob Riot”) while it’s only $7.

Just go to this website before the timer hits 00:00:00…

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

250 Survival Tips to Survive a Collapse…

I’m going to make this short and sweet…

Nearly 5,000 concerned citizens recently pulled together to contribute their very best “survival tips” for a collapse scenario.

The very best ones were compiled into an amazing downloadable book you’ll find here:

250 Survival Tips Website

Now, I’ll warn you…

If you’re rolling your eyes at even the mention of the word “collapse”, then this message may not be for you.

But I’m not talking about the Earth blowing up in a giant fireball or zombies rising up out of the grave to feast on you and your neighbors.

I’m talking about the crumbling of infrastructure that happens during times of crisis such as…

  • Natural disaster…
  • Political unrest…
  • Flash mob riots…
  • Looting during power outages…etc.

All you have to do is watch the news and see that these are actual events that can happen any time… anywhere… to anyone.

Only a select few people even have the ability to consider a crisis in the future and I have no desire to convince you or anyone else about the threats we now face.

So in my book, you’re either on board and taking steps to protect yourself and those you love, or you’re not.

Plain and simple.

But for those of you who DO believe in taking every precaution to prepare for any level of breakdown, this I highly suggest you check out this program:

250 Survival Secrets

I subscribe to several survival newsletters…take part in forums… and read a lot of books, but there are tips in this book that I’ve frankly NEVER seen anywhere else!

You’re going to be shocked at how unusual (and effective) a lot of these are, I promise!



P.S. – Oh, and this week only, that website is also giving away a free program, called:

“How To Survive A Flash Mob Riot!”

“Flash mob riots” are pre-meditated bursts of violence that can happen anywhere, any time.

In fact, at last year’s State Fair in Wisconsin, a group of about 50 rioters – at a predetermined time – began beating fair-goers mercilessly!

In Philadelphia, flash mobs have been terrorizing “nice” neighborhoods with scheduled beatings of men and women just walking on the sidewalk and even pulled out of cars in the street!

It’s a serious problem for responsible citizens like you and me… and this week only, you can get some serious answers by picking up a free copy of “How To Survive A Flash Mob Riot!”

You’ll see this program on the same website at:

Free “Riot Survival” Program (this week only)