
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Get Out Of Dodge Tips For Your Bug Out Vehicle

4 GOOD Tips That Will Put The Odds In Your Favor During A Disaster Evacuation

A lot of people think that "preppers" are a little crazy having a bug-out bag ready to go on a moments notice. They commonly argue that, in a disaster, they'll just hop in the family Bug Out Vehicle and be safely on their way with no worries.

Something you need to consider though, is while it may be true that you'll start out in a vehicle, that option might quickly become a death-trap down the road.

You see, when a hurricane is coming... a power grid goes down... a toxic spill contaminates an area... a wildfire is headed your way... or any number of other emergencies force you to evacuate, it's complete chaos. Normal rational human beings become panic driven, irrational jackasses.

Everyone is in a mad panic, all scrambling to get out of dodge at the same time - you're practically guaranteed to get caught in the resulting traffic jam. Not to mention the resultant road-rage type fist fights and other ensuing mayhem.

Bug Out Tips For WSHTF

Cars stall... overheat... run out of gas.. get into accidents in the mad rush... Some pull over off the road - and some just park there, dead, in the middle of the road, blocking traffic for thousands behind them. Idiots will still do idiotic things, mostly likely in a much worse fashion than normal.

You can NOT afford to follow the "herd" when it comes to Getting Out Of Dodge due to a disaster evacuation!

Instead, here are some bug-out tips:

  1.  Store your bug-out bag in your vehicle. This way, it's always  
     ready to go, especially if you're not at home when you're forced to  
     evacuate.  Being first on the road will get you ahead of the  
     morons who weren't prepared.

  2.  Map out back roads. While people are headed to the  
     interstate "parking lot", taking back roads will be less  

  3.  Store extra fuel outside the vehicle. People forget that  
     fuel pumps need electricity to pump. If the power goes out,  
     it doesn't matter how much fuel is in the gas station's tanks.  
     Besides, fights break out at gas stations along evac  
     routes as people with short tempers argue over others "taking too much". Store  
     2-5 gallons of fuel on a roof or tail rack at "go time" for  
     emergency evacuations.

  4.  Be prepared to leave your vehicle. There may come a point  
     where you're forced to leave your vehicle behind and trek  
     the rest of the way to safety on foot. This is, again, where a  
     bug-out bag is necessary. You need to just be able to grab  
     it and go at a moment's notice. (BOB weight is very important here!)

Again, when most people think that they'll be able to just drive to their bug-out retreat, they tend to over pack their backpack with stuff that's just too damn heavy! When you are forced to walk (possibly carrying a child??), every little ounce of weight in your BOB will most definitely affect how much ground you can cover and how fast.

The Extreme Bug Out Bag guide follows an "ultra-light" plan that will make you as efficient and mobile as a Navy SEAL on the run - and still provide you with all the advanced survival gear you will need for any emergency.

Like I've said, there are over 27 unique bug-out secrets included in this guide that most people have never even heard of before!

Whether you're just starting out and don't have a bag at all... or if you're "experienced" and already have a bug-out bag, this program will open your eyes to a more advanced way of looking at how you get yourself and your loved ones to safety during a disaster.