This Simple Bug Out Bag Mistake Could Cost You Your Life - What Color Is Your BOB?
Don't feel too bad if you're guilty of this. . .
Honestly, it's probably the most common "bug-out bag" mistake most people make.
BTW... it's because of mistakes like these that I recommend you check out the program that teaches you how to build an Extreme Bug-Out-Bag.
Bugging out can be a lot like a military mission. You're trying to get from Point A to Point B during a disaster, and along the way you're trying to evade looters, military, law enforcement, beggars and those bent on stealing what you've got.
So naturally, most people who go out and buy a bug out bag choose a "military" style bag in the color of...
* Coyote Brown
* Khaki
* Olive Drab Green, or
* Camouflage Pattern
But what if I told you that every single one of these colors is like a giant neon sign that screams "ATTACK ME!" to everyone around you. Why? It's simple really...
Think about it...99% of the people you'll come into contact with while evacuating a danger zone are going to be desperate. They'll be hungry... thirsty... tired... panicked... and looking for anything they can get their hands on to ease their suffering or anyone to take out their frustration and anger on.
Then along comes you... all decked out like a soldier with your camouflage backpack. Your military-like stature shows that you were smart and prepared... and that you have really cool "survival stuff" that THEY would love to get their hands on! See what I'm saying?
The bottom line is, the more "prepared" you look, the more likely you are to attract attention from displaced opportunists who will beg, borrow, or STEAL your stuff.
Now, I DO recommend a military style packing system (with plenty of "MOLLE" straps for attaching extra gear), but the big question here is...
"What color SHOULD your bug-out bag be?"
Well, the #1 best color is actually "navy blue".
This color is common enough that it won't draw attention, but dark enough to blend into the night so you can lay low and avoid detection.
If you can't find a navy blue military style pack, your next best choice is "black", as it's still a very common color but doesn't necessarily scream "military" as much as green or camo. Are you starting to get the picture?
With all that said, now may be a good time to re-evaluate your choice for a bug-out-bag as well as the gear you're putting in it.
And right now you can get the ultimate "B.O.B. guide" for only $7 (limited time - till Saturday 11-17-12)
Not only will you get the definitive checklist of all the essentials you need, but you'll also discover 27 bug-out bag secrets you've likely never heard before, like:
* The 2 items you can pick up at your local pet store that can
save your butt in a collapse bug-out!
* 3 weird survival barter items - during time of crisis these
can be more valuable than cash!
* A simple item you can use to make sure you're NEVER hassled
by beggars or looters (Just a hint: it's NOT a gun!)
* The superior alternative to rope that has almost as many
uses as duct tape (and's not para-cord. It's
potentially even BETTER!)
That's just a small list and it doesn't even scratch the surface of all the cool bug out bag tips covered in this one-of-a-kind guide.
CLICK HERE to see for yourself why this is so different.
Even the most experienced prepper will find several "ah-ha" items you probably never even thought of before!
Oh, yeah... Please... do NOT tell me that you won't have to worry about the color of your bug-out bag because you'll be "armed".
Hey, desperate people looking to take what's yours are NOT going to just walk up and hassle you. If they really want what's in your bag, they're going to ambush you from your blind spot or track you until you're alone, sleeping, and easy prey.
Your best bet is ALWAYS to lay low and go unnoticed. That's why the color of your bug out bag is so important. And if this tip was enough to open your eyes even a little, imagine what you'll find in the full version of the Extreme Bug Out Bag guide!